S/W Reprise

Dummy Head Recording (Please hear with headphones)

In collaboration with Mona Jas

Produced and recorded for the exhibition “Zeigen” at the Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin. The work is based on the concept of the video work “Black and White”. In a spatial artificial head recording, the sentences “Everything is white” “Everything is black”, which are not audible in the original work, are spoken by 20 speakers in their native languages (Russian, Amharic, French, German, Turkish, Hebrew, English, Dari and Mandarin).

Lilia Voronkova, Oleg Pachenkov, Seyoum Mulugeta, Carine Moulun, Christoph Wiesner, Nesrin Abdulla, Salahaddin Abdulla, Mona Jas, Holger Friese, Gülten Erol, Habip Karatas, Barak Bar-Am, Alona Rudnev, April Elisabeth Lamm, Nick Crowe, Nuschin Mameghanian-Prenzlow, Özgür Albayrak, Hui Zhang, Fei Shan.

Fotos: Mona Jas

zeigen. eine audiotour durch berlin von karin sander / Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin, 2009