space time TV
Gestaltung der Fernsehplattform, 2018
Zusammen mit Max Kossatz
Kunde: Christopher Roth
8 Rules for TV
We don’t believe in the lonely genius. Neither in resistance, withdrawal or anarchy.
We believe in (science) fiction, the realism of our time. The future is neither a nightmare nor a daydream.
We speculate even as we try to minimize uncertainties. We try to come up with stories, answers and possibilities, not with mere observations.
We try to make complex ideas seem simple. Build arguments, form positions, create a tagline, be populist.
We believe in compression. If arguments don’t survive compression, they are bad. No piece should be longer than five minutes. Better two.
We are not going to talk about everything to absolutely everyone. We will leave that to contemporary art and architecture.
We make programs with recurring episodes, not unique masterpieces.
We try to think politically about the relations between subjects, whether human or nonhuman.
Stop looking at yourself. Look around you. Interesting things are always close by.
Status: online