Konsalik Stelen
Konsalik books stacked to room height (here 3.75 m), internal stabilization system, dried bracket fungi
Book steles that reach from floor to ceiling. All the books are works by the most widely read German post-war author Heinz G. Konsalik. Holger Friese refers here to the cultural horizon of the post-war period in the German-speaking world, including its effects on the present day – its majority retreat into a cozy comfort zone cuddly comfort zone, in which the consumption of other people’s destinies creates a pleasant shiver and comfort and security are defended as the are defended as the highest goods. The often quoted words of Adorno, after Adorno that writing a poem after Auschwitz is barbaric, are echoed on the titles that can be read on the spines of the book stelae, such as ‘The doctor of Stalingrad’, ‘Home leave’ and ‘One sin too many’, ironically confirmed in an ironic way.
Excerpt press release
Auch das Paradies wirft Schatten (Even paradise casts shadows) / ES Gallery, Merano, 2012