Alle Dinge, die Christian Schimanski zwischen 2003 und 2013 online er- oder versteigert hat

Digital Video PAL, various lenghts, 2003 – 2013
in collaboration with Mona Jas
Soundtrack: Curd Duca


The movie “All items that Christian Schimanski bought or auctioned online between 2003 and 2013” presents items who had been sold or bought by a user named “” on ebay. The slideshow of goods presents a deep view into the private life of a male human.

We did trace him for ten years – collecting everything he did sell or buy on ebay. Each transaction did prolong the movie up to the final duration of 08:05 min.

various public spaces: Berlin, 2008 / Merano, 2009 / Saarbrücken, 2013