[PROGRAMME] retour | Gary Hill- recent works September 5th - October 10th, 1998  Gary Hill, Hand Heard, 1995,96 Courtesy Galerie des Archives, Paris For the third time at Saint-Gervais Geneva, the Centre for Contemporary Image dedicates an exhibition to the American artist Gary Hill. His recent installations refer to blindness effects, specially by using stroboscopes which violently and briefly illuminate dark video projections of great dimensions (as Midnight Crossing, 1997 or reflex Chamber, 1996). The very technical disposal of such installations, using projectors, reflecting screens, stroboscopes, as well as diverse resonant sources monitored by computer, create specific conditions to the appearance/disappearance of images. Being concerned for a long time with language and its articulation modalities, mainly influenced by literature and European philosophy (Blanchot, Derrida, Heidegger), Gary Hill is today pursuing his search of physical conditions of perception over the apparition of image as a revelation. Playing with oppositions between haziness and clearness, darkness and dazzle, the technical speed and the slowness of the retinal adaptation, he establishes marks for a dialectic achieved within dazzling paroxysm (strobes), when all senses shiver into delight. Already in 1987, and for the very first time in Europe, the Centre for Contemporary Image within the context of the International Video Week (SIV) and Biennial of the Moving Image, presented an exhaustive retrospective of the videotapes, as well as an installation of Gary Hill. Again in 1992, the Centre for Contemporary Image dedicated an exhibition to Gary Hill, displaying a series of installations ÎAnd sat down beside herâ. The Autumn 1998 exhibition takes hereby place within a long time collaboration. Moreover, the Centre for Contemporary Imageâs Media library (films, videos and artistsâ CD-ROMâs: 800 titles) comprise the entire video tapes directed by Gary Hill. The Media libraryâs collection is accessible on the web site of The Centre for Contemporary Image. Biography Born in 1951, Gary Hill lives and works in Seattle. He has realised many video tapes and installations since the 70âs, and was among the first video artists to be widely recognized in the field of contemporary art. Solo exhibitions (select) 1998 Musée dâart contemporain de Montréal, Québec, Canada Fundaçao de Serralves, Porto, Portugal Donald Young Gallery, Seattle, USA 1997 Westfälischer Kunstverein, Münster, Germany Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil, Rio de Janeiro et Museu de Arte Moderna, Sao Paolo, Brasil Museum of Art, University of California, San Diego, USA Ujadowski Castle, Center for Contemporary Art, Varsovie, Poland 1996 Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphie, USA Galerie des Archives, Paris, France Kunst-und Ausstellungshalle des Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, Germany Galleria Lia Rumma, Naples, Italy Donald Young Gallery, Seattle, USA Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York, USA White Cube, Londres, Great Britain 1995 Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden, travelled to six other locations in Scandinavia Fundacio ãLa Caixaä, Barcelone, Spain 1994/95 The Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, USA (travelled to five other locations in the USA) Musée dâart contemporain, Lyon, France 1993 Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, USA 1992/93 Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France (travelled to three other locations in Spain, Holland and Austria) Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands Le Creux de lâenfer, Centre dâart contemporain, Thiers, France Watari Museum of Contemporary Image, Tokyo, Japan 1990 Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA 1989 Kijkhuis, La Haye, Netherlands 1988 Video Wochen, Bâle, Switzerland 1987 Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, USA 1986 Whitney mUseum of American Art, New York, USA 1985 Scan Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Bibliography Texts by Gary Hill ãThe Electronic Galleryä, The New York Times Magazine (Special Technology Issue), Sept. 28, 1997 ãEntre 1 & 0ä, in Gary Hill, exhibition catalogue at Centre Georges Pompidou, 1992. English and Spanish translation in exhibition catalogue of the same name at IVAM in Valencia (Spain), 1993, German and Dutch translation in exhibition catalogue of the same mane at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (Netherlands), and Kunsthalle Vienna (Austria), 1993. Monographs DEVRIENDT Christine, Lâoeuvre vidéo de Gary Hill, (French and English), Université de Rennes II, 1990-91 GILBERT Christophe, Maurice Blanchot/Gary Hill: dâune Ecriture lâAutre (et son Double), mémoire DEA, Université Paris III, 1992 SARRAZIN Stephen, Gary Hill, coll. Chimaera No. 10, éd. Centre International de Création Vidéo Montbéliard, Belfort, 1992 Articles, reviews and catalogues (recent) TOUGAS Colette, ãGary Hillä, in Parachute No. 90, Avril-Mai-Juin 1998 GAUVILLE Hervé, ãGary Hill, le maître du tempsä, in Libération, 14 & 15 février 1998 BELISLE Josée, Gary Hill, catalogue, Musée dâart contemporain de Montréal, 1998 STIMSON Blake, Water: the Renewable Metaphor, University of Oregon Museum of Art, Eugene OR, 1997 HURZELER Catherine, ãKann man auf abstrakte Weise surfen? Ein Gespräch mit dem Videokünstler Gary Hillä, in Kunstbulletin, septembre 1997 LESTOCART Louis-José, ãGary Hill: Surfer sur le médium /Surfing the Mediumä, in Art-press, février 1996 |