Exhibitions in Geneva linked to the Biennial
In Europe, Geneva is recognised as a stronghold in the field of contemporary art.Proof of this is the number of galleries, art schools, museums, etc. The emergenceof video as an art makes it a very important centre of activity. The 7th IVW willbe the opportunity to bring together all these synergies. The following institutionswill collaborate and participate with exhibitions, broadcasts, ...
28 Oct.-18 Jan.
Cabinet des Estampes
28 Oct. - 21 Dec.
Ecart 1969-1982
Ecart films and Fluxfilms
In parallel with an exhibition at the MAMCO and the Cabinet des Estampes in Geneva,two programmes will present, in turn, the Fluxfilms produced in the '60s in New Yorkby George Maciunas and grouping personalities as diverse as Ben, Yoko Ono, Nam JunePaik, George Brecht or Paul Sharits, as well as films produced by the Ecart group- founded by John M. Armleder, Patrick Lucchini and Claude Rychner - between 1968and 1980. It was, in fact, starting from the Fluxes scene, both American and German,that Genevan artists developed their own film production. They were, moreover, thefirst to screen Fluxfilms in Geneva in 1980, during an exhibition in the MuséeRath. Often monomorphic in structure, sometimes produced without a camera, alwaysattached to the simple elements of daily life, these two productions have in common,to use the words of Bruce Jenkins, the same «desire to de-materialise the mediumin order to build a bridge between art and life».
Centre d'Art Contemporain: «STASI CITY», Jane and Louise Wilson
an exhibition of video installations and photographs from 23 October 1997 to8 February 1998
Centre Genevois de Gravure Contemporaine:
Eté 1997 (Summer 1997)
On 26, 27 and 28 September 1997, the Centre Genevois de Gravure Contemporainewill open a collective exhibition which will last until 20 December and bring togethera score of international artists: Bianchini, Bond, von Bonin, Cheraït, Closky,Fanderl, Fernandez, Gygi, Hentsch, Hirschhorn, Huber, Kilimnik, Mik, Oppenheim, Post,Rey, Sacconi, Trockel, van Warmerdam, Zobernig (and others).
Cinéma Spoutnik: Films de Peter Liechti
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts (Lausanne): Le miroir vivant de Magritteà Nauman René Magritte, Marcel Broodthaers, Markus Raetz, Bruce Nauman
Attitudes: Marianne Muller, Draeger & Frei, Yan Duyvendak
Mire: Philippe Dorain Serge Comte
Mire c/o Flos: Herbert Wentscher
Galerie Analix: Patrick Weidmann, Marco Boggio Sella et Laetitia Benat
Galerie Andata / Ritorno: Danielle Vallet Kleiner
Galerie Art & Public: Sylvie Blocher, Nam June Paik
Galerie Guy Bärtschi: Hervé Graumann, Rebecca Horn, Ernest Pignon-Ernest
Galerie Blancpain Stepczynski: Dan Graham, Gordon Matta-Clark
Galerie Bonnier: Ted Victoria
Galerie Patrick Cramer: Lucien Clergue
Galerie Foëx: Danièle Bove
Galerie Anton Meier: Peter Fischer
Galerie Skopia: Eric Hattan
Galerie Rosa Turetsky: Chema Alvargonzales, Klara Kuchta, Nathalie Novarina,Claude Cortinovis, François Filliettaz
Galerie Voutat: Fabio de Sanctis, Ted Scapa, Dutch White