Visions of the world
This 6th International Video Week will question the influence that the flow ofimages from all parts of the world has on the way that the world is seen. The abstractrepresentation which we have of the world has been changing considerably since satellitesstarted picking up and retransmitting images, since the advent of computer networks.Images are now part of a common, shared or appropriated reality. Consequently, thisoutflow of images becomes (once more) a language, a common matter from which verydifferent discourses and attitudes emerge. Seminars, exhibition and programmes areapproached from this angle.
This four-day seminar is open to some 100 participants, who should sign up beforehand.This reflection time is intended to provide an opportunity for both professionalsand amateurs to consider the work of Filliou, Marker and Debord in a broader context,in particular to question the up dating of their thinking in a global society witha so called single market.
Jean-Hubert Martin
Director of the Château de Oiron and of the Musée des Arts Africainset Océaniens in Paris. J.-H. Martin will talk about the work of Robert Filliou.
Giorgio Agamben
Philosopher, writer in Venice, Professor to the Collège interna-
tional de philosophie, Paris. G. Agamben will talk about Guy Debord's films.
Derrick de Kerckhove
Professor at the University of Toronto and Director of the McLuhan Instituteof Culture and Technology.
2 other conferences will also be held by :
Raymond Bellour on Chris Marker, and
Beat Streuli on his own work
Special programmes
curated and presented by:
Saskia Bos
Director since 1984 of De Appel, the Amsterdam art centre, Saskia Bos has alsobeen a curator for several exhibitions, such as Sonsbeek 86, Aperto in Venice in1988 and Jetztzeit in Vienna, 1994.
Rudolf Frieling
A critic, curator in charge of the media library of the Zentrum für Kunstund Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe, he was also curator of the Berlin VideoFest from1988 to 1994.
Carole Ann Klonarides
Curator at the Long Beach Museum of Modern Art, she was also responsible forthe Artists' Television Network and co-directed videos under the name of MICA TV.
Stéphanie Moisdon Trembley / Nicolas Trembley
Free-lance curators, (Printemps de Cahors, 1995, X/Y, Paris,1995) collaborators atCentre Georges Pompidou, founders of bdv (edition of artists videos); StéphanieMoisdon Trembley is an art-critic for Bloc Notes.
Johan Grimonprez / Herman Asselberghs
As director of Kobarweng, J. Grimonprez obtained the first prize at the 5th S.I.V.,H. Asselberghs is a collaborator of Andere Sinema and the STUC in Louvain. Togetherthey designed a programme of videos in the form of an exhibition which can be seenin the lobby of the Hôtel du Rhône.
Exhibition (Nov. 3 - Dec. 3)
A World at Home
By their recurrent presence, images on screen acquire a reality of their ownbecoming part of everyone's daily life, as concrete objects cross over the fieldof vision.
Artists taking part in this exhibition treat images as things and television as adaily presence. Working in various ways in this many-sided mediatic universe, artistsfocus ironically on its meaning and lucidly on its power.
Heiner Blum (D)
Klaus vom Bruch (D)
Claude Closky (F)
Sylvie Fleury (CH)
Karen Kilimnik (USA)
Matthieu Laurette (F)
Guido Nussbaum (CH)
Chris Marker
Video and films
Born in 1921, Marker has trailed his camera from Asia to provincial France. His filmsbear witness to a certain political commitment, often directly tuned in to the currentevents of the time. His subjective and humorous presence, bearing the stamp of structuralismmakes him the figurehead of the documentary film &laqno;d'auteur». Withhis clear, lucid outlook, he questions the status of image and their discourse witha very special poetry and subtlety.
Robert Filliou
Video and films
Robert Filliou (1926 - 1987), one of the main protagonists of FLUXUS, claimed responsibilityfor bringing art and life closer. In the 60s and 70s he took part in important exhibitionssuch as the 1972 documenta. Many retrospectives were devoted to him, particularlyin the Kunsthalle in Berne, Basel and Dusseldorf and at the Georges Pompidou Centrein Paris. One of the rooms at the Geneva Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMCO)is devoted solely to him. If his plastic work is well known, his films and his videotapesare less so, yet their philosophical, utopian and universal dimensions make themmasterpieces of their kind.
Guy Debord
Video and films
The figurehead of situationism, Guy Debord was the author of many political and criticaltexts including La Société du Spectacle, Panégyrique and theCommentaires sur la Société du Spectacle. The importance of these textsfor understanding the mechanisms of contemporary society is indisputable. His uncompromisingcriticism of capitalism makes him a leading light of revolutionary thought. The filmswhich he has produced will be presented as both testimony and a tribute but aboveall because of their current relevance to the debate on the media.
International Competition
40 videotapes have been selected out of the 550 entries received
from 40 countries. The selection committee was composed of André Iten, NicolasTrembley and Roger Godat. The prizes will be awarded by an international jury.
Art schools' programmes
A selection of recent productions from Swiss art schools.